Our initiative continued working towards reducing maternal and child deaths in low- and middle-income countries. In May, for example, we launched MULTIPLY, an EDCTP-funded large-scale implementation project that seeks to increase child survival by increasing the delivery of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants. The project will be conducted in selected districts of Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Togo.
We also participated in the creation of a new Malaria Chemoprophylaxis working group at the Ministry of Health in Mozambique, with the aim of implementing seasonal chemoprevention (SMC) as well as intermittent preventive treatment in pregnant women (IPTp) and infants (IPTi). These strategies help to clear infections present at the time of treatment and provide a certain time window of protection after the treatment.
As for our ongoing projects, we shared study findings from our Unitaid-funded TIPTOP project with national stakeholders in the partner countries (Madagascar, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mozambique). We also performed multiple capacity-building activities among health professionals and researchers as well as outreach activities with local communities in Sierra Leone, where we are also conducting the ICARIA and MULTIPLY projects.