In 2021, we achieved important milestones in the expansion of our Chagas platform model, including the training of 87 professionals from Paraguay’s healthcare system in the comprehensive management of Chagas patients (18 of whom completed internships at our Chagas Platform centres in Tarija, Bolivia). This was possible thanks to the European Union’s triangular cooperation programme, ADELANTE 2, which will allow Bolivian and Paraguayan professionals to share their knowledge and experiences with the aim of improving care for Chagas patients in Paraguay. Furthermore, in collaboration with AECID, we participated in the development of the first national guidelines for the management of Chagas disease in Paraguay.

Regarding diagnostics, our GHIT-funded Chagas LAMP project was launched in 2021 and is currently working in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay with the aim of validating faster and simpler methods to detect both congenital and chronic Chagas.

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